18/07/2022 22:00:11QuotableBird

> Derrick: Continue. You have to be able to function alone.

You proceed without Bambino and bump into the Hallway monsters! Dialouge Hallway Guard 1: Oh, why, it's the little one from the other day! Hallway Guard 2: It is, isn't it? Hallway Guard 1: How are you, little one? Derrick: Oh uh... I'm just fine. Hallway Guard 1: Are you looking to go down these here steps, little one? Hallway Guard 2: Yes, are ya, little one? Derrick: Why, yes, I'd like that. Hallway Guard 1: Well, then you're going to have to pay a toll fee. Hallway Guard 2: Yes yes, a toll fee. Derrick: Uhm, I don't have any money. Hallway Guard 1: MONEY?! Hallway Guard 2: HE SAYS MONEY! Hallway Guard 1: WHAT MONEY! Derrick: O__O Hallway Guard 1: We do not need money... Hallway Guard 2: No, no, we don't... Hallway Guard 1: What we would like is red... Hallway Guard 2: Yes, yes, red... Hallway Guard 1: And slippery... Hallway Guard 2: Very slippery... Hallway Guard 1: And highlights our trusty tools! Hallway Guard 2: Highlights it does! Hallway Guard 1: So, are you willing to pay? Hallway Guard 2: So, are you willing to pay? Derrick: O__O;;

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